A Walk Down “Sesame Street”

To Postman, Sesame Street undermines the traditional idea of school. But I then ask, what IS the traditional idea of school? When I think about a child starting kindergarten, I think about the energetic teacher who teaches the letters, numbers, and basic schooling skills in fun and creative ways. Many of the Kindergarten teachers I know are the ones who are always out there and finding ways to make things exciting for the littles as they start their education journey. And at 5, you will NEVER be fully ready for the change to your life that Kindergarten does, and once you’re past that stage, you are well aware of what school brings for you. So I truly believe that the idea of “Traditional school” can’t be undermined when the definition of traditional school is not yet know – by anyone really.

I believe that 21st Century AV said it best in the article Transform Education: The Role of AV Technology in Classrooms. “In this digital age, where students are increasingly immersed in technology outside the classroom, it only makes sense to leverage AV technology to create a more immersive and engaging educational environment.” I think this idea of embracing that technology is so easily accessible to most of our students and accepting that majority of our students will have technology that WORKS (I continuously fight with the laptops because they can’t hold a charge) and instead of fighting with them, build the trusting relationship to use the technology (such as cellphones) in ways that will create that learning environment that we oh so crave.

I think that the format of schooling is believed to be a sit, listen and learn, and then do the work. As a teacher, I see that isn’t what happens, and it certainly wasn’t what happened when I was growing up (although, we did write a LOT more notes than the students I see today). I see as a teacher that I use mini whiteboards for math, and then we move into practice questions, that transitions into using iPads with Mathletics. Then we move into social class where we use the SmartBoard with a PowerPoint to guide the class that is integrated with videos. Every class I teach, there is a use of a technology that helps further engage and enhance the students learning.

21st Century AV. 2023, 08/31. Transform Education: The Role of AV Technology in Classrooms. https://21stcenturyav.com/av-technology-in-classrooms/

2 thoughts on “A Walk Down “Sesame Street”

  1. Graeme says:

    Hey Kelsey, great post. I appreciate the last line of your blog as it resonates with me in my teaching practice as well, “use of a technology that helps further engage and enhance the students learning.” Technology in the classroom just can be thrown in, like turning on a movie, it needs to integrated and curated to be engaging and to further enhance the lesson. Whether that’s through activities or conversations with the students.


  2. christinapuscus says:

    Hey Kelsey! I touched on a similar idea in my post this week about what exactly “traditional” schooling even is. You make a good point about how the definition can’t really be undermined if the definition itself is so… undefinable. And what you suggest about building the “trusting relationship” between students and their cell phones or devices is something I definitely agree with, within the bounds of reason, practicality and need. Thanks for the read!


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